Our Staff
Executive Leadership
Lisa Heaton
Executive Director
A graduate of Southern Utah University and the University of Utah, Lisa is a licensed therapist with 20 years of experience at House of Hope. Previously she worked in children’s mental health for ten years and specialized in working with children and families, especially in reunification, before becoming the Executive Director of House of Hope. “I believe in being strengths-based treatment and giving people chances.”
Favorite vacation spot: Oregon coast. Favorite Hobby: Reading. Strength: Determination. Weakness I’m Working On: Mt. Dew addiction.
Lori Weaver
Director of Operations
A graduate of University of Phoenix in Criminal Justice, Lori is a licensed advanced substance use disorder counselor with over 15 years of experience at House of Hope. Lori also has over 25 years of experience working in the social work and criminal justice field and has specialized worked with women in several treatment centers as a case manager, treatment coordinator, and director before becoming Director of Operations at House of Hope. “I truly believe that change is possible and have had the privilege to see it happen daily. House of Hope is a tough program but we believe in compassion, accountability, and empowering our women to see their true potential as productive citizens in our communities. I also believe that myself and our employees should be part of a team that is accountable, strength-based, solution-focused and open to feedback. Change is possible and we must represent what a healthy human can look like as we support our families through challenging times. Recovery is possible for the entire family.”
About Lori: Love the ocean so any vacation by water is plus for me. I love to spend time with my family and friends and especially my amazing daughter, and of course, my super cute little dogs DJ and Maggie. I am a strong, assertive woman who also needs to continually work on being healthy on the inside and out.
Bio coming soon!
Julie Jackman
Admissions Director
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Biography coming; please check back soon.
Erica Vasgar
Assessment Therapist
Erica graduated from California State University East Bay with a Bachelor’s in Health Science and a minor in Sociology. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she went on to get her Master’s in Social Work. After graduating, Erica held a case management position at the Regional Center in California, working with the disabled population throughout the state. Erica gained case management skills in this position and learned how to help advocate for people’s needs.
Erica has always had a passion for helping people, specifically women. Erica mentored high school girls for over 12 years and was able to meet with them and help guide them in their lives. In 2012, Erica started a girls’ conference that went on to be continued over the next 5 years, before she moved here to Utah. That girls conference helped middle school and high school girls learn more about themselves and how to love themselves and be confident in who they are. In 2016, Erica moved to Utah where she started working as a case manager at House of Hope. In 2017, she got her CSW and began working as a therapist in the residential portion of our program. After a few months in that position, she transitioned over to being an Outpatient therapist. Erica is now the Director of Outpatient and has gained more trainings in M.I. (motivational interviewing) therapy and EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) trauma-based therapy.
Erica loves movies and spending time getting to know people. Through her job, she seeks to understand the root cause of something and work from there. Erica desires to understand her clients and help advocate for them. She is grateful for her time here and her time getting to help impact women’s lives.
Hello, my name is Kierstyn! I graduated from Utah Valley University with my Bachelor’s in Psychology earlier this year and I am excited to work in a place that utilizes my education. I’ve worked a corporate job in customer service for the last 4 years so I am excited to get experience in a new field.
In my free time, I am an avid reader. I also just started playing video games so that’s been a fun new hobby. I also really enjoy folklore and learning about different cultures.
Client Outreach & Housing
“Hi, my name is Heidi! I worked at DCFS as a Family Support Specialist for 4 years and as the Director of Lifestart Village for 4 years.
House of Hope has always held a special place in my heart. It helped create the person I am today! I graduated the program twice. When getting sober, I had a goal to work at every place that helped me in my journey.
In my spare time, I enjoy yard work, reading, and watching sports.”
Children's Services
Hello, my name is Gerri Ewing, I am excited to work with House of Hope’s women and children. I have worked as a behavioral health aid in an elementary school for several years and I’m currently studying Marriage and Family Studies at BYU-Idaho. I have three kids ages 32, 30, and 13, and a sweet-yet-feisty 7-year-old granddaughter; I currently live with my 13-year-old and my 89-year-old mother. I love to travel, especially if it’s a good road trip, and I have been to all 50 states (and most of our national parks). My bucket list is always changing because I am always checking things off, but it currently heavily involves making sure my mom gets to cross things off her bucket list. I love to see new things, try new foods, and explore things. I am very excited to be part of the House of Hope team because I love working with people, especially those fighting (sometimes) unseen battles. I like working in supportive environments and in places where I feel I can help make a difference. In closing, here is a quote that really means a lot to me by an unknown author, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.”
Client Services
Marian Egbert
Client Services
Biography coming soon; please check back.
Bio coming soon!
Margaret Yeates
Director of Development
Margaret graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor’s in Mass Communications – Public Relations, minor in English. Since 1998, she has worked in the non-profit sector for wonderful organizations along the Wasatch Front. She started working for House of Hope in 2011. She loves the opportunity to support amazing causes through her writing. Her experience in project management, grant writing, grant management especially government grants, fundraising, public relations, marketing and outreach has spanned over two decades. She has raised millions in funding to support local causes in our community and loves for her focus to be on mental health and substance use disorder treatment for now. She has enjoyed serving for grant review boards, being a member of the fundraising community and empowering women and children in need so far throughout her career. She is a member of Zonta International and has served on the Board for the Salt Lake Area.
She has a passion for bringing the topic of mental health respectfully to the table and eradicate the stigma that unpleasantly accompanies it. She is inspired and motivated by the courage and determination displayed on the daily at House of Hope and is honored to have the opportunity to do a small part of bigger change for the greater good. “I come to work each day excited to move the mission of House of Hope forward. Addiction does not discriminate, and treatment should not either”.
Lover of animals, nature – especially trees, hiking, cooking/baking, gardening, reading and most importantly family and friends. She is a published writer and currently working on her next writing project. She is constantly striving for harmony in all things and always excited for an adventure – especially with her husband. Margaret is a certified Reiki Master and Intuitive Coach. She loves to laugh and to have the blessing of laughter everyday thanks to her comedians that we call children. “I value compassion. Compassion for everything outside of myself and compassion for everything that makes me…. well, me”.
“Hi, my name is Abi. I recently graduated from Utah State University with my Master’s in Communication Studies. Over the years, I have worked in numerous non-profit organizations and love the atmosphere of non-profits. House of Hope’s work with women & children is something that drew me to this position. I was born and raised in Utah and love all the seasons and outdoor activities it has to offer. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling, and hiking.”
“Hi, my name is Lucy. I recently graduated from Westminster University with a degree in Sociology. I previously worked with Odyssey House, which inspired my interest in vulnerable populations.
I am a storyteller by heart, my favorite thing is to hear communities’ stories and share them. I hope to do justice to the diverse experiences here at House of Hope.
In my free time, I love to paint and do creative writing. If I’m not painting, I’m snuggling my sweet kitten Pojo or hiking Little Cottonwood.”
Finance and Reception
Heather Burke
Accounting Specialist
Biography coming soon; please check back.
Rackel Montano
Receptionist & Billing Assistant
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Hello, my name is Hillarie! I graduated from the University of Utah last December. I studied psychology and sociology. I also participated in the applied positive psychology program. I have experience in residential treatment as well as multiple years of supervisory experience at Whole Foods. I am excited for this new opportunity to learn and grow in another area in my field of study.
In my spare time, I enjoy arts & crafts, hiking, doing nails, and home projects. I also love movies, music, and Halloween/Fall.
Outpatient Services
I have a B.S. in Psychology with a minor in English from Westminster College and a Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Phoenix.
I have a 15-year history at House of Hope in many capacities. I am blessed and grateful to be returning to a place where I fit and belong and where I am valued.
McKell Schreiner
Aftercare Coordinator
Biography coming soon; please check back.
Residential Services
Rourk Baird
Rourk received his Masters of Mental Health Counseling in 2007 and has been with the House of Hope for over 12 years. Prior to coming on board at the House of Hope, Rourk worked for 2 ½ years as an RA and therapist at New Life Center, an eating disorder clinic. At House of Hope he has been a case manager and therapist and working in both positions helped increase his ability to be a clinical director. “I am amazed at the courage our women have to analyze their lives and make changes that for some would be impossible. House of Hope offers those that want to change the chance to find that courage, change their lives and in turn show others that change is possible. Many of our women will help change entire generations because of the work they do at the House of Hope. I am proud to be a part of the miracles that happen here.”
About Rourk: “Family is everything!” I love spending time with my children and grandchildren and find great joy in watching them grow and develop. I am an advocate for healthy living and enjoy being outdoors hiking and camping and engaging in activities that promote physical health. I believe that in order to live a balanced life you need to pay daily attention to your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Peter Beckman
Residential Therapist
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Ashlie Hess
Residential Therapist
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Hi, my name is Madi. I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Economics from Brigham Young University. Although my field of study is very different from what you would expect, I am excited to start this position and look forward to being able to see people improve their lives.
Hi, my name is Savannah! I just graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Utah Valley University. I’m excited to get hands-on experience working with women in a group dynamic! I hope to make lasting connections while learning a lot.
Recovery Support Services
Justine North
House Manager
Biography coming soon; please check back.
Shadell Wright
House Manager
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Biography coming; please check back soon.
Lydia McGee-Rodriguez
Recovery Assistant
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Benta Opiyo
Recovery Assistant
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Juliana Padilla
Recovery Assistant
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Martha Quintero
Recovery Assistant
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Pamela Rasmussen
Recovery Assistant
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House of Hope Provo
Eden Garcia
Residential Case Manager
Biography coming soon; please check back.
Biography coming; please check back soon.
Biography coming; please check back soon.